About me
I have a passion for learning, problem-solving, and finding elegant solutions.My biggest strengths are my attentionto detail, strong organizational skills,the ability to multitask, and effectively executing and understanding goals.
Hasham Rasheed
Connecticut College, New London, CT
English, Urdu/Hindi, Arabic
Django, C++, Python, Java , Javascript, PostgresSQL , CSS , HTML
Algorithms, Cybersecurity , Game Design , Databases , Data Science , Econometrics , Data Structures , Corporate Finance , Cybersecurity Web-Development , Financial Institutions
Tech stack: Django, Python , Javascript , ZingCharts , HTML , CSS , Material UI , and PostgresSQL
Tech stack: Django , Python , Javascript , Paypal API , HTML , CSS , Bootstrap4 , and PostgresSQL
Tech stack: Django, Python, Javascript , Google Maps API , HTML , CSS , Bootstrap4 , and PostgresSQL
Tech stack: Django Rest Framework , React , Javascript , HTML , CSS , Bootstrap4 , and PostgresSQL
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