
About me

Software Engineer/Full Stack Developer

I have a passion for learning, problem-solving, and finding elegant solutions.My biggest strengths are my attentionto detail, strong organizational skills,the ability to multitask, and effectively executing and understanding goals.

  • City: New York, USA
  • Email: hashamr.dev@gmail.com
  • Education: Connecticut College
  • Majors: Computer Science & Economics




Hasham Rasheed


Bachelor of Computer Science & Economics

2016 - 2020

Connecticut College, New London, CT

Language Skills

English, Urdu/Hindi, Arabic

Relevant Skills

Django, C++, Python, Java , Javascript, PostgresSQL , CSS , HTML

Relevant Courses

Algorithms, Cybersecurity , Game Design , Databases , Data Science , Econometrics , Data Structures , Corporate Finance , Cybersecurity Web-Development , Financial Institutions


  • Lion Customer Management - Full-stack application built for local businesses

    Tech stack: Django, Python , Javascript , ZingCharts , HTML , CSS , Material UI , and PostgresSQL

  • Commercial grade e-commerce website

    Tech stack: Django , Python , Javascript , Paypal API , HTML , CSS , Bootstrap4 , and PostgresSQL

  • Full-stack car dealership app (Joe's exotic car dealership)

    Tech stack: Django, Python, Javascript , Google Maps API , HTML , CSS , Bootstrap4 , and PostgresSQL

  • Address book app built with Django Rest Framework backend, token authentication and a React frontend

    Tech stack: Django Rest Framework , React , Javascript , HTML , CSS , Bootstrap4 , and PostgresSQL

Professional Experience

Software Engineer at Tata Consultancy - Pacific Life

October 2020 - Present

  • Provided maintenance and support for production systems and critical time-sensitive business issues requiring database analysis.
  • Performed data and quality control, efficient programming support, reported and tracked user issues in various ticketing systems like ServiceNow and YouTrack.
  • Maintained and created essential databases in Oracle SQL with apriority on performance and efficiency.
  • Automated resolutions for production issues by taking initiative andcreating a maintainable and expandable Python program, enabling team members to spend time on other activities, streamlined theprocess, and improved team efficiency.

Penetration-Tester at Connecticut College

September 2019 - May 2020

  • Performed penetration testing to help improve the security posture of the college.
  • Created and utilized python programs to test network security.
  • Researched and deployed cutting-edge network attack and defense systems on the college network to deter hackers.

Software Engineer at Discovery Teaching

May - August 2019

  • Worked in a dynamic, collaborative environment to understand requirements, design, code, and test innovative solutions for higher education institutions.
  • Worked with a team that implemented web sockets to further group learning in the classroom through real-time interaction.
  • Met deadlines in a fast-paced environment when debugging and programming website features.


My Works

Nordstrom Ecommerce

Customer Management App

Car Dealership

React Django Address Book


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